User guide

5.3 Installing an exception handler
Any new exception handler must be installed in the vector table. When installation is complete, the new handler
executes whenever the corresponding exception occurs.
Exception handlers can be installed in two ways:
Branch instruction
This is the simplest way to reach the exception handler. Each entry in the vector table contains a
branch to the required handler routine. However, this method does have a limitation. Because the
branch instruction only has a range of 32MB relative to the pc, with some memory organizations
the branch may be unable to reach the handler.
Load pc instruction
With this method, the program counter is forced directly to the handler address by:
1. Storing the absolute address of the handler in a suitable memory location (within 4KB of the
vector address).
2. Placing an instruction in the vector that loads the program counter with the contents of the
chosen memory location.
5.3.1 Installing the handlers at reset
If your application does not rely on the debugger or debug monitor to start program execution, you can load the
vector table directly from your assembly language reset (or startup) code.
If your ROM is at location 0x0 in memory, you can simply have a branch statement for each vector at the start of
your code. This could also include the FIQ handler if it is running directly from 0x1C (see Interrupt handlers).
Example 5-1 shows code that sets up the vectors if they are located in ROM at address zero. You can substitute
branch statements for the loads.
Example 5-1
LDR PC, Reset_Addr
LDR PC, Undefined_Addr
LDR PC, Prefetch_Addr
LDR PC, Abort_Addr
NOP ;Reserved vector
Reset_Addr DCD Start_Boot
Undefined_Addr DCD Undefined_Handler
SWI_Addr DCD SWI_Handler
Prefetch_Addr DCD Prefetch_Handler
Abort_Addr DCD Abort_Handler
DCD 0 ;Reserved vector
IRQ_Addr DCD IRQ_Handler
FIQ_Addr DCD FIQ_Handler
You must have ROM at location 0x0 on reset. Your reset code can remap RAM to location 0x0. Before doing this, it
must copy the vectors (plus the FIQ handler if required) down from an area in ROM into the RAM.
In this case, you must use an LDR pc instruction to address the reset handler, so that the reset vector code can be
position independent.
Example 5-2 copies down the vectors given in Example 5-1 to the vector table in RAM.
Example 5-2
MOV r8, #0
ADR r9, Vector_Init_Block
LDMIA r9!,{r0-r7} ;Copy the vectors (8 words)
STMIA r8!,{r0-r7}
LDMIA r9!,{r0-r7} ;Copy the DCD'ed addresses
STMIA r8!,{r0-r7} ;(8 words again)
Alternatively, you can use the scatter-loading mechanism to define the load and execution address of the vector
table. In that case, the C library copies the vector table for you (see Chapter 6 Writing Code for ROM).
5.3.2 Installing the handlers from C
Handling Processor Exceptions
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