User guide

armasm -g vectors.s
armasm -g -PD "ROM_RAM_REMAP SETL {TRUE}" init.s
armasm -g stack.s
armasm -g heap.s
REM Use the following two lines to build without using the serial port.
armcc -c -g -O1 main.c -DEMBEDDED -DROM_RAM_REMAP
armcc -c -g -O1 retarget.c
REM Use the following two lines to build using the serial port.
REM armcc -c -g -O1 retarget.c -DUSE_SERIAL_PORT
armcc -c -g -O1 uart.c -I..\include
armcc -c -g -O1 serial.c -I..\include
armlink vectors.o init.o main.o retarget.o uart.o serial.o stack.o heap.o
-scatter scat_c.scf -o embed.axf -entry 0x24000000
-info totals -info unused
fromelf embed.axf -bin -o embed.bin
This creates:
an ELF debug image (embed.axf) for loading into an ARM debugger
a binary ROM image (embed.bin) suitable for downloading into the RAM or Flash memory of the ARM
development boards.
The readme.txt file contains additional details of how the image can be downloaded to the Flash memory of an
ARM Integrator Board and debugged there.
6.6.5 Additional examples of remapping
The install_directory\Examples\Embedded\ledflash directory contains a simple interrupt-driven LED
flasher that runs on an ARM Integrator board. It uses ROM/RAM remapping and scatter loading.
To build the example, a batch-file (build.bat) and a CodeWarrior IDE project file (ledflash.mcp) are provided.
Full instructions for downloading the code to Flash are available in the directory.
See also Using scatter loading with memory-mapped I/O.
Writing Code for ROM
Copyright ?1999 2001 ARM Limited 6-17