User Manual

Makes 2 servings
1 quartered chicken with skin (including 2 legs and 2 thighs with wings)
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp finely chopped chives
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp dried thyme
2 tbsp melted vegetable margarine
1 tbsp light sour cream
Marinate chicken with salt, wine and black pepper and place in refrigerator for 30
minutes. Combine stuffing ingredients (chives, fresh rosemary, black pepper, dried
thyme, melted vegetable margarine, sour cream) in a medium bowl, stir well. Take one
spoon of stuffing mixture and stuff it under the skin of chicken. Leave the skin attached
to chicken. Cook on medium heat about 10 minutes for each side. Turn to low heat and
cook until the chicken is fully done. Serve hot with pasta.
1/2 lb. Lean pork tenderloin
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 medium carrot
2 green onions
5 oz. bamboo shoots
1/4 cup soaked black mushrooms
2 tbsp Hoisin sauce
1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp soy sauce
4 warm Mandarin flour skins
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Cut pork and vegetables into matchstick shreds. Marinate pork with soy sauce and
cornstarch. Heat vegetable oil in large skillet over high heat. Stir fry green onions and
pork for about 3 minutes until the pork turns white, then remove cooked pork. Add the
rest of vegetables to the skillet and stir fry for about 5 to 7 minutes then pour in the
beaten eggs. Combine pork and vegetables. Add 1 more tsp of vegetable oil if needed.
Season with Hoisin sauce, salt and sugar to taste, then stir fry for another minute, or until
ingredients are fully cooked. Wrap Mu-Shu with warm, thin flour tortilla and serve hot.