Instructions / Assembly

same steel often used for outdoor sculptures or architectural structures
because of its color and its characteristically beautiful patina.
Classic 40
This Arteflame consists of a floating cooktop, a fire bowl and a base. The
cooktop should be lifted from the center ONLY and fitted onto the fire bowl.
This assembly can then be lifted onto the base.
One20, One30 and One40
These Arteflames consist of a base and a cooktop. The cooktop can
simply be lifted from the center and fitted onto he base.
We recommend using two people to assemble, disassemble or move The
Euro40 Base
This base consists of two uprights, a footer and a stabilizer and a support
ring. To assemble the base, first put down the stainless footer. Then put
the upright in it that has the deep vertical slot in it starting at the top. Then
slide the other upright into the first upright, lighting up the vertical slots.
Make sure the uprights seat all the way so that the tops are flush. Then
add the stabilizer to the center on the top as well as the support ring.
Grilling Tips; only place the Arteflame on a non flammable surface as hot
ambers can fall through the drain hole in the bottom of The Arteflame.
1 Position the base on level ground so that the circular opening of the
Base faces up. !Make sure The Arteflame is always a safe distance away
from any flammable or heat-sensitive object. Note that lightly colored
surfaces, such as sand stone, might be subject to stains caused by heat,
cooking and rainwater run-off. !On wooden decks, place a concrete tile
underneath your Arteflame base so that any ambers fall on it and not your
deck. !Periodically move the arteflame to check and remove any ashes or
unburnt wood pieces in the base.