- Asante Security Router User's Manual

User’s Manual
ConsoleMessage "Starting system log"
if [ -f /etc/syslog.conf ]; then
if ! pid=$(GetPID syslog); then
rm -f /dev/log
echo "Warning: syslogd was not started"
2. Add a parameter -u to the end of the line that starts the
syslogd -u
3. Save the file.
4. We also want to configure the system logger to use a spe-
cific file for messages from the router. We'll assume that
the router has been configured to use facility local5.
Edit /etc/syslog.conf and add a line for the router:
# Router is using local5
local5.* /var/log/router.log
This says that all messages with facility local5 should be
logged in /var/log/router.log. (Note that the two portions of
the line in syslog must be separated by tabs. Don't put any
spaces between the two.)
5. Now restart the system logger:
root# /System/Library/StartupItems/SystemLog/SystemLog
6. You should also be using a firewall to protect your server.
Open the Sharing Preference pane in System Preferences.
7. Click on the Firewall tab and click New... to add a new