User's Manual

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P8Z68-V LE
BIOS Version : 0211 Build Date : 06/16/2011
CPU Type : Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz Speed : 3100 MHz
Total Memory : 1024 MB (DDR3 1333MHz)
Exit/Advanced Mode
Temperature Voltage Fan Speed
CPU +113.0ºF/+45.0ºC CPU 1.248V 5V 5.160V CPU_FAN 4485RPM PWR_FAN N/A
MB +75.2ºF/+40.0ºC 3.3V 3.344V 12V 12.248V CHA_FAN1 N/A CHA_FAN2 N/A
EFI BIOS Utility - EZ Mode
Monday [12/27/2010]
Performance Energy Saving
System Performance
Boot Menu(F8)
Use the mouse to drag or keyboard to navigate to decide the boot priority.
Boot Priority
󰌐󰚫󰄝  󰄝󰄝 
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