User's Manual

LTE CPEJ912User Manual
IPAddress‐The IP address of the PC running the service application;
PortRange‐You can enter a range of service port or set a fixed value;
Protocol‐UDP, TCP, TCP&UDP.
The new rules will be shown on the rule table, you can delete the items that you
have selected or add new rules by clicking the “Add New” button here. The
maximum rule count is 20.
Clicking on the header of the “Virtual Server” button will take you to the
“Virtual Server” header page. It is a feature that similar to port forwarding,
clicking on the “Add New” button, you can configure IP address, public port,
private port and protocol to achieve the virtual server function.
IPAddress‐The IP address of the PC running the service application;
PublicPort‐The port of server-side;
PrivatePort‐The port of client-side, it can be same with the public port;
Protocol‐UDP, TCP, TCP&UDP.
The new rules will be shown on the rule table, you can delete the items that you
have selected or add new rules by clicking the “Add New” button here. The