
Speed limiter
There is a screw on throttle box, which is de-
signed to keep the throttle from fully opening,
even the throttle lever is pushed toThe
maximum. Screwing in the adjuster limits the
maximum engine power available and de-
creases the maximum speed of the vehicle.
Your ATV was delivered with an adjustable
speed limiter. We recommends that all begin-
ners start off with the speed limiter screw
turned in to limit the speed while they learn.
Once the beginner becomes more familiar with
operating the ATV, the screw maybe gradu-
ally turned out to increase maximum speed.
Adults should decide when to adjust the ATV
for more power as the riding skills of their
youngster improve. Once the rider can oper-
ate with full skill at top speed permitted by
Adjusting the speed limiter alone,the air
intakere strictor plate can be removed. See
page 46 about the Instruction of removing the
air Intake restrictor. Adjusting for maximum
Throttle lever moment without removing the
air intake restrictor plate will cause the en-
gine to run roughly at higher speeds.