
The Story Behind
The Epicenter Bass Restoration Technology
Now that you have purchased The Epicenter InDash you may ask
yourself, “Why would I need to restore bass?” The truth is that during
the recording process, low frequency information can be “mixed” down
or ltered out during the recording process. It’s not that recording engi-
neers are out to get you; in fact they are looking out for your best interest
and are concerned that many speakers systems can not handle “truly” low
bass information.
The circuit inside The Epicenter InDash is designed to reproduce the
low frequency information by looking at the upper frequency ranges and
detecting musical harmonics. These harmonics then allow The Epicenter
circuitry to drop a few octaves and reproduce the “missing” bass notes.
The bottom line is that The Epicenter technology gives you deep,
body shuddering, heart stopping bass. Can you handle it?
Figure 5: How The Epicenter Circuitry Works
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