User`s manual

H.323 User's Manual 11. Advanced System Capabilities
Version 5.0 299 December 2006
The following ini file example can be used to activate the Automatic Update mechanism.
Figure 11-2: Example of an ini File Activating the Automatic Update Mechanism
# DNS is required for specifying domain names in URLs
DnsPriServerIP =
# Load an extra configuration ini file using HTTP
IniFileURL = ''
# Load Call Progress Tones file using HTTPS
CptFileUrl = ''
# Update every day at 03:00 AM
AutoUpdatePredefinedTime = '03:00'
# Note: The cmp file isn’t updated since it is disabled by default
Refer to the following notes:
When HTTP or HTTPS are used, the gateway contacts the Web server/s and queries
for the requested files. The ini file is loaded only if it was modified since the last
automatic update. The cmp file is loaded only if its version is different from the version
stored on the gateway’s non-volatile memory. All other auxiliary files (e.g., CPT) are
updated only once. To update a previously-loaded auxiliary file, you must update the
parameter containing its URL.
To load different configurations (ini files) for specific gateways, add the string ‘<MAC>’
to the URL. This mnemonic is replaced with the Mediant 1000 hardware MAC
address. Resulting in an ini file name request that contains the gateway’s MAC
To automatically update the cmp file, use the parameter ‘CmpFileURL’ to specify its
name and location. As a precaution (to protect the Mediant 1000 from an accidental
update), the Automatic Update mechanism doesn’t apply to the cmp file by default.
Therefore, (to enable it) set the parameter ‘AutoUpdateCmpFile’ to 1.