User`s manual

Mediant 1000
H.323 User's Manual 422 Document #: LTRT-83401
7. Open the Apache2/conf/perl.conf file for editing and add the line “Script PUT
/perl/put.cgi” after the last line in the following section (note that if the following section
is omitted or different in the file, insert it into the file or change it there accordingly):
Alias /perl/ "C:/Apache2/perl/
<Location /perl>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
8. Locate the file put.cgi on the supplied software package and copy it into the
Apach2\perl\ directory. Change the first line in this file from c:/perl/bin/perl to your perl
executable file (this step is required only if mod_perl is not included in your Apache
9. In the apach2\bin directory, from a DOS prompt, type the following commands:
Apache.exe -n Apache2 -k install
Apache.exe -n Apache2 -k start
The installation and configuration are finished. You are now ready to start using the HTTP
G.2 Linux Operation Systems
Note: It is assumed that the installing of Linux already includes: Apache server
(for example, Apache 1.3.23), perl and mod_perl (for example mod_perl
Additional required software: an uploading script (put.cgi), supplied with the software
¾ To configure Apache HTTP server, take these 4 steps:
1. Inside the Apache directory, create the directory /perl (for example /var/www/perl).
Locate the file put.cgi on the supplied software package and copy it to that directory.
2. In the put.cgi script, change the first line from c:/perl/bin/perl to your perl executable
file (this step is required only if mod_perl is not included in your Apache installation).
3. Enable access to the following directories and files by typing:
>chmod 777 perl
>chmod 755 put.cgi
>chmod 777 html (the name of the server’s shared files directory)
4. Configure the Apache sever:
a. Open etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (or a similar file) for editing
b. Set the KeepAlive parameter to true
c. Set the MaxKeepAliveRequests parameter to 0 (enables an unlimited number of
requests during a persistent connection – required for multiple consecutive HTTP
POST requests for uploading the file).