User`s manual

Mediant 1000
H.323 User's Manual 454 Document #: LTRT-83401
8. Add the following parameters to the 'append' line: text console=ttyS0,115200.
Note: In the above string, 'ttyS0,115200' consists of a capital 'S', only zeros and
one comma.
9. The following examples show how the 'label linux' line and its kernel & append
sublines could look like, after you change them::
label linux
kernel linux
append initrd=initrd text console=ttyS0,115200
label linux
kernel linux
append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=65536 text
10. Locate the line: 'prompt <flag>'. It usually appears as 'prompt 1'. Change it to 'prompt
11. Locate the line: 'timeout <tenth_of_secs>'. It usually appears as 'timeout 200'.
Change it to 'timeout 0'.
Note: If the timeout line does not exist, do not add it.
12. The 'isolinux.cfg' file should now look like the following:
serial 0 115200
default linux
# hard disk
label harddisk
kernel linux
append SLX=0x202 showopts
# install
label linux
kernel linux
append initrd=initrd text console=ttyS0,115200
# noacpi
label noacpi
kernel linux
append initrd=initrd splash=silent showopts acpi=off
# failsafe
label failsafe
kernel linux
append initrd=initrd splash=silent showopts apm=off acpi=off
mce=off barrier=off ide=nodma idewait=50 i8042.nomux
psmouse.proto=bare irqpoll