Instruction manual

Add account Add an account Add a second or several other accounts to your device.
Date & time
Automatic Date & time
Set date
Select time zone
Set time
Use 24-hour format
Choose date format
Use the by the network provided time.
Set the date.
Select the time zone.
Set the time.
Choose to use between the 24-hour or 12-hour format.
You can select the date format.
Large Text
Auto-rotate screen
Speak passwords
Text-to-speech output
Touch & hold delay
Enhance web accessibility
Enable or disable talk back function.
Enable or disable large text.
Enable or disable auto rotation of the display.
Enable or disable spoken passwords.
Select the desired Text to speech engine.
Set the desired touch and hold delay.
Enable or disable apps to install scripts from Google to make their web content more accessible.
Developer Options
On/Off Only enable development options if you are an experienced user and know what you are downing.
About tablet
System Updates
Legal information
Model number
Android version
Kernel version
Build number
Search for and/or update your device with the latest firmware.
Shows you the actual device status.
Shows the open source legal information.
Displays your devices model number.
Displays the current Android version.
Displays the current kernel version.
Displays the current firmware build number
Instruction Manual