Product specifications

Up/Down/Cross (UDX) Conversion
A Pillarbox image typically means black “pillars” are placed on either side of an image when it
is up-converted from a 4:3 image to a 16:9 image.
Pillarbox is a selection in the Up-Convert and SD-Cross-Convert list boxes. If Pillarbox is
selected when up-converting a 4:3 image to a 16:9 image, black “pillars” are placed on either
side of the image.
4:3 SD Image Up-Converted to 16:9 HD Pillarbox Example
The example below shows a 4:3 SD image, and then the same image after it was up-converted to
an HD 16:9 pillarbox image.
A Letterbox image typically means black bars are placed on the top and bottom of an image
when it is down-converted from a 16:9 HD image to a 4:3 SD image, or cross-converted from a
4:3 HD image to a 4:3 SD image.
Letterbox is a selection available in both the Down-Convert and SD-Cross-Convert list boxes. If
Letterbox is selected when down-converting a 16:9 HD image to a 4:3 SD image, black bars are
placed on the top and bottom of the SD image.
16:9 HD Image Down-Converted to 4:3 SD Letterbox Example
The example below shows an HD 16:9 image, and then the same image after it was
down-converted to a 4:3 SD letterbox image.