Product specifications

Up/Down/Cross (UDX) Conversion
Center-crop is conversion process that, if selected, crops the image to fit in the format you are
converting to. Center-crop works when you are up-converting a 4:3 SD image to 16:9 HD,
down-converting a 16:9 HD image to 4:3 SD, or cross-converting an SD image.
AirSpeed Multi Stream supports the Center-Crop in the following conversion types:
These are described in more detail below:
Up Convert Center-Crop
If you are up-converting a 4:3 SD image that already contains a letterboxed image, and want to
convert it to a 16:9 HD output, you probably want to just remove the black bars from the top and
bottom. To do so, select Center-Crop from the Up-Convert list box.
If you selected Pillarbox in this case, the video image would show black bars on the top and
bottom (Letterbox), as well as black pillars on the sides. This is usually an undesired effect.
Example of a Up-Converted and Center-Cropped Image
The example below shows a 4:3 SD letterboxed image, and then the same image after it was
Up-converted and Center-cropped to a 16:9 HD image.
Down Convert Center Crop
If you are down-converting a 16:9 HD image that already contains a pillarboxed image, and you
want to convert it to a 4:3 SD full-screen output, you probably want to just remove the black
pillars from the sides. To do so, select Center-Crop from the Down-Convert list box.
If you select Letterbox instead, you will end up with black pillars on the sides, as well as black
bars on the top and bottom. This is usually an undesired effect.