Product specifications

Up/Down/Cross (UDX) Conversion
Example of a Down-Converted and Center-Cropped Image
The example below shows a 16:9 HD pillarboxed image, and then the same image after it was
Down-converted and Center-cropped to a 4:3 SD full-screen image.
In an anamorphic image, the active image is scaled to use all available pixels, both vertically and
horizontally. In AirSpeed 5000, typically you would only select Anamorphic when converting
one 16:9 format to another.
For example, if you are down converting a 16:9 HD image to a 16:9 SD format, and want to scale
the image vertically and horizontally using all pixels (anamorphically), select Anamorphic from
the Down-Convert list box in the Channel Configuration dialog box.
When cross-converting HD 720p to 1080i (or vice versa), AirSpeed 5000 provides the
anamorphic conversion by default. There is no user interface or user interaction for this to occur.
16:9 SD Image Up-Converted to 16:9 HD Example
The example below shows a 4:3 SD image, and then the same image after it was Up-converted
anamorphically to a 16:9 HD image.