Product specifications

The FTP Folders Page
FOLDER OPTIONS Enables you to select the import and export attributes that you want to apply to
the selected FTP folder.
The following fields are in the IMPORT section:
Auto-ingest to shared storage/Interplay - If this value is selected, the file
sent via FTP to this folder will be automatically transferred to shared storage
and/or Interplay. When this option is selected, the “Destination template for
auto ingest” field is enabled.
In Interplay Production mode, there are multiple destination templates to
select from.
In Team mode, there is one global template.
Destination template for auto ingest - Select the Destination template that
you want to use for auto ingest. This enables you to choose which workspace
(based on the template) you want the auto-ingest to transfer to via FTP.
Delete after auto ingest - If this option is selected, it indicates that the
AirSpeed 5000 will delete the clip after the clip is transferred to shared
storage or Interplay.
Blind Import Folder (Create Unique Clip Names) - If this option is
selected, when viewing the folder from an FTP client (such as Filezilla, or
FlashFXP), you will not see the clips in the folder. They will just pass
through to the folder and be given a unique Video ID.
Generate proxy on import- If this value is selected, it indicates that the
AirSpeed 5000 will generate a proxy of the clip upon ingest. If you also have
the “Delete after auto-ingest” option enabled, the auto-ingest will happen
after the proxy clip is created, and then both clips will transfer to shared
storage. When this option is selected, the “Record template for proxy audio
settings” field is enabled.
Record Template for Proxy Audio Settings - Select the Record template
that you want to use for your proxy audio settings. It gives you the flexibility
to select which audio tracks get compressed (if any) for the proxy.
The following fields are in the EXPORT section:
Ignore clip Mark in/out on export- If this value is selected, it indicates that
the AirSpeed 5000 will ignore any Mark In or Mark Out points in the clip
upon export.
Folder is export only- If this value is selected, it indicates that this folder is
export only (Read only). You cannot FTP to this folder.
Export Ancillary Streams - If this value is selected, it indicates that you
want to export ancillary streams in the MXF OP1A file.
Field Description