Product specifications

The Job Status Page
The following table describes the fields on the Job Status page.
Field Description
Job Type The job type for this operation. Options are:
ISIS Transfer - When selected, Ingest has the outgoing ISIS transfer.
Therefore, cancelling this job only affects the ISIS transfer, not the ingest.
SendToPlay has the incoming ISIS transfer. Cancelling this job is like
cancelling the transfer from Transfer Status window in the Editor.
If there is a Create Proxy job associated with this ISIS transfer, it will also
be cancelled.
FTP Transfer - When selected, the FTP transfer will be cancelled. If there is a
Create Proxy job associated with this FTP transfer, it will also be cancelled.
Create Proxy - When selected, the proxy generation will be cancelled, and
the clip shown in the AirSpeed 5000 Remote Console will have “No Proxy”
listed as its Proxy status.
ID The identification number relating to the Job Type. When viewed with the Job
Type, this create a unique combination.
Video ID The Video ID of the clip being transferred.
Name The name of the clip being transferred.
Status The status for the transfer. Options are:
Direction The direction of the transfer to or from the server. Optins are:
Start The start time and date of the transfer.
PWT Options are:
True - Indicates that the clip can be played while it is transferring.
False - Indicates that the clip is not playable while it is transferring.