User manual

Page 57
There are two ways to design or customize a curve:
A. From among the existing curves, identify the one closest to the desired curve
, make the changes deemed
appropriate (for example, raise the level of mid tones or cut out low frequencies) and save the new curve thus
obtained in one of the 10 locations set aside for the user (31 through 40).
B. Begin in a starting
condition in which all frequencies are heavily compressed (completely ‘closed’ sound) and,
through trial and error, try to individually increase the thresholds of the various compressors to enhance the final
sound of the desired component.
The starting condition
from which to begin in the latter case (case B) might be as follows:
Super Bass Level + 6 dB
Super Bass Type Tight Hard Bass
Bass Level - 3 dB
Mid 1 Level - 5 dB
Mid 2 Level - 5 dB
Mid 3 Level - 5 dB
High Level - 4 dB
Wide Density + 6 dB
Brilliance + 3 dB
There are two ways to select the curve to which to make changes or force the initial status described above:
1. selection directly from the main menu
- use the shuttle to select the curve to edit and press ‘Enter’ to execute that curve
- turn the shuttle counter-clockwise until it reaches the ‘Edit Preset’ menu
- press ‘Enter’: the display will show the item ‘Get Process’
- turn the shuttle to the right: the indication will appear of the first parameter it is now possible to change (Super Bass
Level). Turning the shuttle further, the display will show the parameters in sequence: Super Bass Level, Super Bass
Type, Bass, Mid1, Mid2, Mid3, High, Wide Density, Brilliance (see table above).
2. selection using the ‘Get Process’ function
- enter the ‘Edit Preset’ menu by turning the shuttle counter-clockwise starting from the default screen.
- press ‘Enter’ : this will access the ‘Get Process’ function
- Press ‘Enter’ : this will access the function to select which preset to change (Preset To Get).
- turn the shuttle clockwise until you identify the curve to be changed, and press ‘Enter’ twice (the first time to select
and the second to confirm your choice).
- turn the shuttle to the right: the indication will appear of the first parameter it is now possible to change (Super Bass
Level). Turning the shuttle further, the display will show the parameters in sequence: Super Bass Level, Super Bass
Type, Bass, Mid1, Mid2, Mid3, High, Wide Density, Brilliance.
For each parameter it is possible to:
- press ‘Enter’ to access the parameter levels screen: turn the shuttle to scroll through the options. The output sound
is changed in real time according to the values displayed moment by moment
- once you have identified a new level for the parameter, press ‘Enter’ once to save the changes, then again to
- press ‘Esc’ if instead you wish to abort the editing process without saving
NOTE: to emphasize one or more frequencies, we recommend increasing the compression ratio of undesired
frequencies (lowering the threshold of the relative compressors) rather than raising the thresholds of the
desired frequencies. Also keep in mind that a frequency is, essentially, already fully audible at threshold values of
around + 2 / + 2.5 dB.
Once you have finished choosing all the new levels:
- turn the shuttle counter-clockwise until you see the ‘Get Process’ item again
- keep turning the shuttle until the item ‘Quit’ appears on the left
- press ‘Enter’.
At this point the menu displays the item ‘Editing To TrashCan’