User manual

Page 64
As explained earlier, this mode (available only on port 1 of the processor) allows both the real time display and editing of
all audio levels and current settings for all parameters used by the processor. Typical application: setting the processor
directly at the transmitting site, using a notebook computer, or remote control from the broadcasting or control room, via
serial cable.
Once the bidirectional connection has been established with the processor (see previous chapter), the following basic
screen will appear:
It has a window with a yellow-green background quite similar to that of the front panel of the processor. The serial port of
the computer being used and the current connection mode are indicated at the bottom of the window.
The control software allows access to the same parameters and functions also available from the machine control panel.
Therefore, for any clarification regarding the nature and function thereof, see chapter 19.
- The three buttons located alongside the display allow you to edit the processing curve: select the curve from among
the 40 available (also called Preset), using the two arrows, then confirm the choice using the rectangular button
in the middle.
- The Edit * submenu contains all of the parameters and operations regarding setting a new processing curve. To do
so, select the preset to be changed or from which to begin from the ‘Get Preset’ window, change the compressor
threshold levels using the cursors for the five frequencies, and finally save the curve (via the ‘Save’ function) in one
of the 10 locations set aside for the user.
Note that whenever a preset is called up by means of the ‘Get Preset’ function, the characteristic parameters of that
curve (threshold values of the five compressors, level and type of Super bass, as well as Density and Brilliance
levels) are automatically displayed in the Edit window.
Note: to broadcast the edited curve, select it using the two arrows at the top of the screen (alongside the display),
then confirm by clicking on the rectangular button between the two arrows.
- The Output submenu includes, depending on the processor version, the controls for the functions: Output Level,
Pre-emphasis, Noise Gate, Output Mode, Power Limiter
- The Input submenu includes the controls for the functions: AGC Mode, AGC Speed and AGC Level
- The MPX submenu includes the controls for the functions: Pilot Phase and Pilot Level
- The PlugIn submenu includes the controls for the optional functions available: RDS Level and Phase, Stereo
Enhancer Effect Level – Effect Band and Effect Depth, Digital Input On or Off.
- The RDS submenu includes the programming windows for the RDS functions
NOTE: In each menu, any changes to the parameters may be saved by clicking the button ‘ok’, while clicking ‘Cancel
allows you to abandon the changes (or the submenu) without saving.