
Halogen Gas Monitor – MultiZone Remote Display
Instruction 3015-5157 54
Status Register Register 0x0011h R/W 10 bytes
Variable Type Length Description
Mode UC 1 byte Defines Operating Mode of HGM-400. 0 = normal Mode; 1 =
Zone_Hold Mode; 2 = Diagnostic Mode; 3 = Service mode. DO
NOT MODIFY (use zone hold register or service mode register
to change this parameter)
State UC 1 byte Defines HGM-400 Current State. 0 = Idle; 1 = Sampling; 2 =
Zeroing; 3 = Warm Up, 4 = Pressure Check DO NOT MODIFY
Measuring UC 1 byte Value = 1 if unit is acquiring detector signal for running avg. DO
Active_Zone UC 1 byte Current Zone being checked. 0=zone1, 1=zone2, etc.
Max _Alarm UC 1 byte Indicates highest non-acknowledged alarm level DO NOT
Alarm_Count UC 1 byte Number of alarms that are currently active DO NOT MODIFY
Loop_Card UC 1 byte Value = 1 if 4-20mA card has been detected DO NOT MODIFY
Fault UI 2 bytes See Note Below
Fault Flag Structure uses bitwise access to 16 bit word as defined below:
BIT Fault Type Code Description
15 CLIPPING FAULT 0x8000 0x8000 Sensor output voltage too high
14 ZERO RANGE FAULT 0x4000 Sensor output voltage outside limits during purge
13 OVER RANGE FAULT 0x2000 Gas concentration above measurable range
12 PURGE FLOW FAULT 0x1000 No flow detected during purge cycle
11 ZONE FLOW FAULT 0x0800 No flow detected during sample cycle
10 A2D FAULT 0x0400 Analog to digital converter not working
9 GAIN SET FAULT 0x0200 Digipot gain setting out of normal range
8 ZERO FILTER FAULT 0x0100 Charcoal filter (if used) needs replacement
7 CONFIG FAULT 0x0080 No zones are enabled
6 UNUSED FAULT 2 0x0040
5 UNUSED FAULT1 0x0020
4 LOOP FAULT 0x0010 Current loop is open
3 RS485 FAULT 0x0008 Communication error
2 MANIFOLD P FAULT 0x0004 Pressure sensor readings are out of range
1 BENCH T FAULT 0x0002 Sensor temperature is out of range
0 BOX T FAULT 0x0001 Chassis temperature is out of range