Installation guide

Zone Settings
In BeoLink Gateway rooms in the house, such as living room, kitchen, bedroom are organized in zones.
Zones are organized in areas to be able to handle big installations. An area could be: ‘Guest house’,
‘Basement’, etc.
- ‘Global’
‘Global’ is a special zone and it has its own special area. It is meant to be used for resources that apply to
the entire house. Macros which act on several zones at a time such as ‘Party mode’, ‘Welcome’ and ‘Good
Night’ may all be added to the ‘Global’ zone.
Never assign A/V products to the ‘Global’ zone as these products do not appear in the BeoLink App or in
the WEB panel interface.
In the icon drop-down box it is possible to choose a name for a zone. The name in the Icon-box will be shown in
the User Interfaces. It is not possible to correct or add names.
Add and edit Zones and Areas
On the left hand side of the screen a list shows all areas and their zones and in this list it is possible to add
and edit ‘Zones’ and ‘Areas’.
- A ‘Zone’ can be found quickly by typing into the ‘Filter’ box.
- It is possible to rename, add and remove ‘Areas’.
- A ‘Zone’ can be assigned an ‘Icon’, which will be visible on the user interfaces. It is also possible to
rename, remove or move a ‘Zone’ to another ‘Area’.
- A ‘Global’ zone’ can only be renamed.