User's Manual

RVP8 Users Manual
October 2005
TTY Nonvolatile Setups
AFC:0.00% (Disabled), Burst Pwr:–48.6 dBm, Freq:30.000 MHz
AFC indicates the level and status of the AFC voltage at the RVP8/IFD module. The
number is the present output level in D-Units ranging from –100 to +100. The
shorter “%” symbol is used since percentage units correspond in a natural way to the
Burst Pwr indicates the mean power within the full window of burst samples. DC
offsets in the A/D converter do not affect the computation of the power, i.e., the value
shown truly represents the waveform’s (Signal+Noise) energy. Freq indicates the
mean frequency of the burst, derived from a 4
order correlation model.
For more information refer to Chapter 4.