Owner`s manual

message. You will have to wait until the other host
module or service port disconnects from the desired I/O
module or main board. If you attempt to connect to a
module from the service port and the module is currently
in command mode, you will receive the following
message: Requested Module is Busy!.
Configuration changes for the V71 module are made
from the host terminal, the service port, or the front
panel of a M8 or M16 with LCD.
To access the configuration mode of the V71 from the
host terminal, use the following procedure:
1. Configure the host terminal's serial parameters to
match those of the V71. From the factory, the
V71 is set at 9600 baud rate, 8 word size, 1 stop
bit, not parity, and XON/XOFF handshaking
disabled. If you do not have a dumb terminal or a
terminal emulation program, BayTech supplies a
utility diskette which includes software to put an
IBM PC or compatible into a terminal mode
(TERM.EXE). See Section 4.2 for more information
on the utility software.
2. Connect to the V71 by sending the port select
code, the appropriate module number (1 to 16),
and Carriage Return or Line Feed.
3. Access configuration mode by sending
For example, if the V71 is installed in Unit 1 as
Module 1, the default port select code ($BT) is
used, send $BT1<cr>$CONFIG<cr> to enter into