Owner`s manual

received or 2048 characters have been received without
a terminating character.
Immediate data mode is similar to immediate message
mode as discussed in Section 15.2.3. The primary
difference is that immediate data mode does not wait
for a message terminating character to send data to the
designated host module. Data is sent to the
designated host module automatically as soon as it is
received by any port on the peripheral communications
Command reporting mode allows the host computer to
send commands requesting messages or buffered data
from the ports. These commands are summarized in
Section 15.2.4.
Each message or data block sent to the host computer
in immediate or command mode can be preceded by a
port identification code consisting of either the unit
number, a colon, the module number, a comma, and the
port number or the device name of the port that
received the message. In numeric form, the Port ID can
range from 01:01,1 (for Unit 1, Module 1, Port 1) to
30:16,4 (for Unit 30, Module 16, Port 4). If time tag is
enabled, the month, day, year, hour, minute, and
second the message or block of data was recorded are
sent in addition to the port identification code.
There are six commands supported by the serial port
modules. Two of these commands can be issued
regardless of the operation mode. These are the
$CONFIG<cr> and CBn<cr> commands. The
$CONFIG<cr> command instructs the module to go into
configuration mode as described in Section 16.
The CBn<cr> command clears the buffer of Port n (n = 1
to 4 or 0 for all ports), where <cr> is Carriage Return.
You must select the 4-port serial module from the host