Owner`s manual

Enter Serial Port Number (? = Help, ENTER = Exit) :
Enter the number of any other port you wish to
reconfigure. If there are no other ports, type <ENTER>
and the module will return to the main configuration
menu (see Section 16.1).
By responding to the Enter Request: message at the
end of the main configuration menu (see Section 16.1)
with "3" (Change Port Device Name), you can enter a
logical or identifying name for each port of to the
module. If you are programming the serial port
configuration from the control panel (see Section 16.11),
individual ports for the
selected module are identified by device name. The
module will respond with:
Enter Port Number (? = Help, ENTER = Exit) :
Type the port number that you wish to reconfigure
followed by <ENTER>. If you wish to review the device
name status for all ports of the module, type "?". For
example, if you enter "4", the module will respond with:
Current Module 1 Serial Port Configuration :
| Port | Device Name | Baud | Word | Stop |Parity| Xon / Xoff |
| | | Rate | Size | Bits | | Xmit | Recv |
| 4 | Device D | 115.2K| 8 | 1 | None | Off | On |
Enter Port Device Name (Max. 16 characters)
or ENTER for no change ...................:
Enter the desired port device name up to 16 characters.
For example, if you enter "Port 4", the module will
respond with:
Current Module 1 Serial Port Configuration :