Owner`s manual

The service modem has priority over the EIA-232
service port. When a connection is established
between a remote modem and the service modem,
the following message will be sent out of the EIA-
232 service port:
Incoming call
Service port access locked out
A terminal connected to the EIA-232 service port
is not allowed access to the M Series unit while
the service modem has a connection with a remote
modem. If a user connected to the EIA-232
service port is currently communicating with the M
Series unit and a remote user attempts to access
configuration mode through the service modem,
the remote user is not allowed access to the M
Series unit.
2. Place the base unit or desired module into
command mode by sending $BT0n<cr> or
$BT0<lf> where n is 0 for the base unit or the
desired module number (1-16), <cr> is Carriage
Return and <lf> is Line Feed. (Use
$BAYTECHn<cr> or $BAYTECHn<lf> with M4 and
M8 DAC units).
3. Access configuration mode by sending
$CONFIG<cr>. No characters should be typed
between $BT0<cr> and $CONFIG<cr>. Use
$BAYTECH0<cr> on M4 and M8 DAC.
Once you access configuration mode from a host
communications module, the service port, or the service
modem, the following menu will appear on the terminal
Control Board System Menu
Bay Technical Associates
Copyright 199X
Unit Number 001