Operating instructions

Digit #1 solidsws
is 
Digit #1 flashingsws
is 
- Guard
Alert #
When on, unit will detect signals from Interceptor vg-2
transmitters. Factory setting is off. Use of vg-2 Guard
recommended only in areas known to use the Interceptor vg-2.
Digit #2 solidvg-2 Guard
is 
Digit #2 flashingvg-2 Guard
is 
Safety Warning System
with Digital Voice Messages— #
926 ONLY)
When on,unit will provide Digital Voice announcement when
transmitters are detected. Factory setting is on.When
off, Digital Voice is replaced by sws
“tone/clicking” only.
Digit #3 solidsws
Digital Voice is 
Digit #3 flashingsws
Digital Voice is  (sws
tone only)
Digital Voice Prompts for Radar/Laser/sws
vg-2 Guard
When , unit will provide Digital Voice prompts followed by
“beeps when X/K/Ka, Laser,VG-2 Guard
and the five sws
categories are detected. Factory setting is ON.When OFF,Digital
voice prompts are replaced by separate “beeps only.
Digit #3 solid—Digital Voice Prompts .
Digit #3 flashing—Digital Voice is  (“beeps only)
Note: Digital Voice messages for the Five sws
catagories are not exact
to what is written on the sws
message information.
Digital Voice Prompts for Radar/Laser/vg-2 Guard
Alert #
When on, unit will provide Digital Voice prompts followed by
“beeps when X/K/Ka, Laser and vg-2 Guard
signals are
detected. Additionally, EXPRESS 916 will provide Digital Voice for
categories only. Factory setting is on.Whenoff”,
Digital Voice prompts are replaced by “beeps only.
Digit #4 solid—Digital Voice prompts 
Digit #4 flashing—Digital Voice prompts  (“beeps only)
12892 Bel Express 926/916 Man 4/26/01 2:44 PM Page 9