
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion12 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 13
A person’s Disposition to you is a number on a scale from 0 to 100 that reects how he feels
about you. The higher the number, the more he likes you.
A person’s Disposition is based on a variety of factors, including race, personality, your
reputation, faction afliations, and how the person may feel about your previous actions (e.g.,
you helped a member of this individual’s guild, or stole from or killed a friend of his).
Bribe: The cost of a bribe attempt. Bribes allow you to pay to increase a person’s
Disposition. Not everyone will accept bribes.
Rotate: Only appears if you have the Speechcraft Apprentice Mastery Level. This permits
you a free rotation of the wedges once in each Persuasion round.
Start: Begins a Persuasion round.
Done: Exits the Persuasion Menu. Not available until you have made all four action choices.
Persuasion Rules
In each round of Persuasion, you must Admire, Boast, Joke, and Coerce and you can only
choose each option once per round, but in any order you desire. Each of these actions
raises or lowers the person‘s disposition. You may play many rounds of Persuasion before
raising the person’s Disposition to the desired level.
To begin a round of Persuasion, press the
button. Each of the four quadrants will ll
with wedges of different sizes. The size of the wedge reects the scale of the potential
effect of your choosing an action. Choosing a large wedge has a great effect; choosing a
small wedge has a small effect.
As you highlight in turn the Admire, Boast, Joke, and Coerce quadrants, the person’s
face shows his reaction to each of the actions. For each of the four actions, he will
Love one, Like one, Dislike one, and Hate one. Don’t take too long, because the
person’s disposition is steadily falling. The person’s disposition goes up when you select
a Loved or Liked action and goes down when you select a Disliked or Hated action.
The potential gain or loss for each action is based on your Speechcraft and how full the
wedge is. Try to select fuller wedges when they are aligned with actions the person likes.
Try to select less full wedges when they are aligned with actions he doesn’t like.
The Arts of Combat
To defend themselves from monsters and marauders, travelers and adventurers learn to use
weapons and armor.
There are two kinds of weapons: melee weapons like swords and maces, and bows. Better
weapons are made from precious materials, and may bear useful enchantments. The damage you
do depends on the weapon itself, your skill, and the condition of the weapon (i.e., whether the
weapon is in good repair).
Melee aTTacks
There are two types of attacks: Basic Attacks and Power Attacks. Basic Attacks are quick, but do
less damage. Power Attacks are slow, but do more damage. To make a Basic Attack, pull and
release the
button. To make a Power Attack, pull and hold the
button. Move the
Left stick to perform different Power Attacks.
At lower Mastery Levels, Blade, Blunt, and Hand to Hand skills let you make a basic Power
Attack in any direction. At higher Mastery Levels, Blade, Blunt, and Hand to Hand skills let you
make Mastery Power Attacks with left, right, and rear character movements; these Mastery
Power Attacks have special bonuses and effects.
ranged aTTacks
To attack with a bow, pull and hold the
button to draw the bowstring to full extension, then
release the
button to re the arrow. It takes time to draw the bowstring back for a full-power
attack. A Journeyman of Marksman can zoom-in with the bow by holding Block (
button) with
an arrow nocked.
one-Handed and TWo-Handed Weapons
Certain weapons, like daggers, short swords, maces, and war axes, are one-handed weapons,
and can be used with a shield. Other weapons, like battleaxes, claymores, and warhammers,
require two hands, and cannot be used with a shield. (Highlight a weapon in the Inventory
Menu to see whether it is one-handed or two-handed.)
To block, pull and hold the
button. A shield or weapon block reduces the damage you
take. Shields are much more effective at Blocking than weapons.
An effective combat strategy is to block an enemy’s blow, then quickly follow up with your own
attack to catch the enemy before he can ready his block. Establishing this block-and-counter
rhythm in melee combat can greatly improve your combat effectiveness.