User's Manual

Hearing Assist operations
Allows you to experience the adaptive hearing enhancement in daily conversation according to
the hearing curve obtained in the testing of Tune2Fit apps.
Hearing Assist, Phone Call and Music Switching
Music has the lowest priority. If you are in music mode, an incoming hearing assist request
will stop the music and you will be connected to the hearing assist mode. If you need to switch
from hearing assist to music mode, you need to deactive the hearing assist mode.
Music will resume automatically after that.
To activate hearing assist mode while listening to music you must pause music first by
pressing the “Power” button once. Then proceed with pressing the “Power” button to
turn on the hearing assist mode.
Other Functions
USB Firmware Upgrade
Upon purchase, and periodically thereafter, please visit to ensure you’re
operating with the latest firmware and taking advantage of feature enhancements.
Wireless Firmware Upgrade
Press ‘Power’
Hearing assist
is activated
Press ‘Power’
Hearing assist
is deactivated