User guide

I have a Nutrimill.I love the huge 20 cup capacity. It gives me the option of grinding extra and storing it in
the freezer until it is needed. It prevents me from pulling out the mill just for a cup or two at a time. It grinds
quickly (20 cups in about 5 minutes) and the selection of how fine I want the grain texture is excellent. That
said, it is NOISY. I know that this is supposed to be the quietest mill on the market, but I still dream of the
KoMo Classic Mill. A big downside for me is that the Nutrimill is a large appliance and there is no way I
would give it permanent counter space, so hauling it out each time I want to use it is a pain.
I have a Nutrimill and I absolutely love it! I like that I can turn it off in the middle of grinding if I need to. I
can also determine how coarse/fine I want it to grind with the simple turn of a knob. It's really easy to
assemble and use. You can grind pretty much anything in it, except flax seeds. If I had to say something I
didn't love about it, it would be that it is kinda loud, I just put it out on the back porch when I use it so the
neighbors can hear too :), and it is expensive. Other than that, it's the perfect wheat grinder!
I have a Nutrimill. I love it. I don't have any complaints about it, but I've never used any other kind, so I don't
really have anything to compare it to.
I have a Nutrimill wheat grinder.....which I use for hard and soft white wheat and organic popcorn, which I
grind to make cornbread. You can also use it for rice and beans, just nothing oily like peanuts or flax. I love
it! It's my first wheat grinder, so I have nothing to compare it to, but it is a wonderful asset in my kitchen
and I love being able to grind my own organic wheat to feed my family healthy foods.
- It has different settings for the consistency of the flour, from coarse to fine. I nearly always use the fine
- It has a very large hopper and a large bowl, which allows me to grind quite a bit at once.
- It's really fast - takes just 2-3 minutes to grind 5-6 cups of wheat berries.
Can't really think of any cons, other than it's a bit loud....but not louder than a vacuum cleaner, so it doesn't
bother me too much.
I have a Nutrimill and have liked it. It’s easy to use... my 9 year old is our miller. I do need to have mine
looked at though. I think there is a funky gasket, so flour shoots out the side as its grinding. I think that is a
fluky thing though. I know others that have the same machine and don’t have that issue. Hope that helps!
I have a Nutrimill and love it! I just got it a few months ago after saving up and couldn't be happier. It can
grind a ton and is super-fast! If everything is installed correctly it is completely mess free and cleanup is a
breeze. If I had to list cons it would be that it's loud.
I have a Nutrimill. I've had it going on 5 years now and haven't had a single issue with it. I haven't ventured
out to try grinding anything other than wheat- I'm so boring. I've been meaning to do cornmeal, but haven't
yet. But I've ground a whole lot of wheat in it! I really like it. I've never used another wheat grinder so don't
have anything to compare it too, sorry. Ya, it's a bit noisy, but's grinding wheat. My mother-in-law
says it's a whole lot quieter than the older machines out there. As far as cons are concerned, I really don't
have any.
I have a Nutrimill wheat grinder and LOVE it. It is easy to use, grinds to different textures (my favorite is
very fine flour for homemade bread) and it's fast--I can do several cups of wheat in just a couple of minutes.
The only cons are that it's big and thus difficult to store, since its only purpose is to grind wheat. It is
also really loud, it sounds like an airplane taking off. So, I have to plan ahead if I want to make bread during
my baby's nap time.
I have a Nutrimill. It's fast and efficient, with a option for finer or coarser grinding (or anything in the
middle). But it is big and heavy and a pain to move.
We have had a Nutrimill for years. This grinder works very well.
Things I like:
- I can grind plenty of flour to make 4 loaves of bread at a time.
- Beautiful fine flour.
- Can also grind ”crunchier" flour when wanted for a wheat pilaf.
- Can grind popcorn into cornmeal.
- Don't have to have the grinder turned on before putting in the wheat to grind...
Things I don't like: