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Blendtec K-Tec Kitchen Mill
I have a K-Tec Kitchen Mill. I like it, but haven't had any other for comparison. I don't like that it is so loud. I
also wish it had a coarser setting. All the flour is a fine grind, even on the coarsest setting.
I have a Blendtec grinding mill (electric, not hand crank) I love it, although I wish it came with a larger
storage container for the flour. It's enough to do 2 batches (8 loaves - 24 c. flour), but I still would like it to
store more. The only other complaint I have is that it is very loud, but this is probably the case with all
I have a K-Tec Kitchen Mill that is around 7-8 years old. It works great and has a very large bin for flour. My
one dislike is that the clips that hold the top motor/hopper piece to the bottom bin that holds the flour aren't
sturdy. One cracked a year after I got it, and the other one has a small crack. Unless they fixed the design of
the clips, I would not get it again for that reason alone.
I have a a Blendtec Kitchen Mill. I got it because it was cheaper, but I do think it's hard to clean, gets really
hot, which makes the flour stick sometimes, and makes a mess trying to get the lid off and over to get to the
flour. And it's really loud. That said (and apparently it sounds like I don't like this mill at all!) I do like the
ability to change the coarseness of the flour, and I feel like it's really fast. So, in all, I LIKE this mill, but I
don't LOVE it.
I have a K-Tech wheat grinder.
The pros: it is compact and easily fits on the shelf in the back hall. It’s storage shell is also the flour
receptacle (I’m sure there is a real name for that, but what?). You just turn the hopper part (where the
wheat gets poured into) upside down to store in the clear plastic bin that the flour comes out into. It is
pretty quick at grinding. I can get a full receptacle full of flour in about 5 minutes (never timed it
The cons: it is screaming loud, as in I feel like I'm standing under a big jet plane at take-off when it gets
turned on, so I do my grinding in the back hall where there are two doors that separate me from it when
I am working in the kitchen. Sometimes the little spongy filter slips out a bit and flour dust coats the
place on the wall that the machine is facing. Sometimes I don’t get the top part completely snapped
down onto the bottom part, and lots of flour dust puffs out all over into my back hall laundry room,
coating everything in the room with the fine flour dust.
I have had a Blendtec kitchen mill since 2007. Love it. My mom has had the same kitchen mill for over 20
years. I used hers until I got my own. We both love it. It is fast and does a great job over a very long
time. Cons---it is super loud. I usually grind outside because it is so loud. I have a plug on my back porch. It
is also kind of messy, so that is another reason I grind outside or in the garage. I don’t have to clean up the
I have "The Kitchen Mill" by Blendtec.
- It's a wheat grinder and thusly, I get fresh ground wheat flour for my food making purposes, yay.
- It has a gradation for how finely I want the flour ground- it can be very fine or more coarse.
- It comes with a large, clear plastic collecting base so I don't have to use a bowl to collect my flour.
- It has to be plugged in. I wish it had the option of being a hand crank. My sister's is like that I'm jealous.
So if I was ever in a situation with no power, I could still grind wheat.
- My kitchen turns into a flour mill every time I use it. The seal between the motor portion and the plastic
collecting base is not very tight, so if I do not apply pressure with both hands down, it releases flour dust
into the air and lands all over my kitchen horizontal surfaces.
- It's noisy. It puts off a loud, high pitched whirring when it's on and the sounds gets even screechier when
the motor has ground all the flour in the portion for whole wheat kernels.
- The basin for holding the wheat kernels is not very large, so I have to stand there and scoop into it in
order to get enough flour for my needs. It maybe holds 2 cups of wheat so I end up refilling it 3-4 times
while I’m grinding my wheat.