User guide

WonderMill / Whisper Mill
I have a WonderMill that I really like. It is pretty simple to operate which is nice. It kind of sounds like an
airplane taking off when you start it but it is only for a short time so not too bad. I don't grind when my
daughter is napping.
I like that you can store the wheat in the container if you aren't planning on using it all. I don't necessarily
like how you separate the container from the grinder but it hasn't broken in two years so I guess it is fine. It
has 3 settings which is nice although I usually use the finest setting (pastry).
I have a WonderMill and love it. It can grind from coarse to fine and everything in between, although I only
use those two settings. I grind unpopped popcorn on the coarse setting for cornmeal. You get a fresh-
tasting product using freshly ground grains. I have ground rice, popcorn, wheat, soft wheat, rye, and pinto
beans (to make refried beans), but I mostly use it for grinding wheat or popcorn. I don't like the price ($260+)
and that it takes some space to store, but I bake wheat bread from it weekly, so it has been an investment
that has paid off.
I have a WonderMill. So far I love it. I have to keep it in a cupboard, and I like that it is lightweight and easy
to move and set-up. I am pleased with the speed at which it grinds and how the flour turns out. It's a little
loud, but I assume they probably all are, so I don't hold that against it. All in all, a great machine!!
I have a Whisper Mill, and as it says it's relatively quiet (no worse than a vacuum), it makes great flour. The
only thing I don't like about it is that it's coarse setting is still pretty fine (think tortilla flour) so you can't
make cracked wheat with it. I recommend it to everyone that wants flour. There’s a huge variety of grain
that it will grind, I just usually do wheat, so I can't tell how it compares to other grinders with other grains.
I have a WonderMill. I love that I can grind 12 or so cups of flour at a time. It is great for making large
batches of bread. I also love that I can grind lots of other types of grains. I grind popcorn for corn meal, I
grind barley, oat groats, spelt, wheat, and even beans for bean flour. (It can not grind anything wet
however, (Like oily things nuts, or flax seed...) but I'm fine with that. I use a coffee grinder for flax and chia,
and even sometimes small batches of grains.) I love making bread with fresh flour because it is super tasty,
and using warm flour makes it rise nice and quick. It is also pretty quick. I don't have to wait around a long
time. I've tried making flour for pancakes in my blendtec and it is super slow. I can also choose fine,
medium or coarse grain. That is nice. I like coarse for cornmeal for pizza, medium for breads, fine for
The main thing I don't like about my grinder is that the lid is hard to put on sometimes. That wouldn't be
so much of a problem except that inside there is this little cup that attaches to the lid only it doesn't
attach super securely. Quite often in popping the lid on, the cup part falls off so I have to take it apart
again. Manageable, but annoying. The silly cup should stay put. The lid sometimes pops up at the end of
a batch (certainly my fault for trying to fill it too full:) or not getting the lid on tight enough. If the filter
gets dirty, it can start to spray flour everywhere. Luckily I've learned that this is just a dirty filter
problem and I clean it and it is good.It is also quite loud, but I can't imagine a wheat grinder can be
quiet. I mean your grinding something hard into a powder.
I have a Wonder Mill.
I like: It is fast. I get consistent results every time. I can store large amounts of wheat berries, which are
less expensive than flour, and grind them whenever I want. They maintain their nutrition in berry form.
I never run out of flour, because I can always grind more. I grind all my wheat on the "bread" setting. I
use it for bread dough and also for cookies, where I enjoy the chewy texture of the bran. There is a pastry
setting, which I used once. The texture of that flour is fine, but I've found I prefer the flavor of white
flour in cakes. It's sturdy. It has taken a fair amount of abuse (we've had it for about 5 years) from my
kids knocking it over, and once I accidentally ground too much wheat without emptying the flour bin,
and flour backed up into the machine. We cleaned it out and pressed the reset button and it works as
well as it ever did. Which is very well indeed.
I dislike: It's loud. But I think that's almost unavoidable in a high-power, fast machine. I have heard that
KoMo mills are quiet, though I have never heard one in person, and they are beautiful. But they are slow,
and I value speed. The flour bin stores separately from the grinder, which takes up more counter space
or cupboard space.