Owner's manual

L I G H T N I N G / 2 0 0 0
Raw Lightning Data
Closer storm to the west, with more distant storms to the north. Note the
“tail” of strokes pointing towards the center of the screen towards the west.
The Raw Lightning Data window contains exactly what the
name implies. Lightning strokes are grouped into one of 6
ages: oldest, older, old, new, newer, and newest. Each stroke
type in each of the 6 ages may be drawn in a different color
and shape. There are 8 types of strokes displayed: +CG
(positive cloud-to-ground), -CG (negative cloud-to-ground),
+IC (positive intercloud/intracloud), -IC (negative
intercloud/intracloud), +CID (positive compact intercloud
discharge), -CID (negative intercloud discharge), Leader, and
Unknown. CID strokes can be displayed only when strokes
are being displayed. Switch to stroke mode by right-clicking
in the window and choosing Raw Lightning Data