Owner's manual

L I G H T N I N G / 2 0 0 0
The stroke type distribution graph for the storm.
(The distribution of flashes is shown when in flash
mode, simple mode, or advanced mode)
o Negative cloud-to-ground
o Positive cloud-to-ground
o Negative intercloud
o Positive intercloud
o Leaders
o Compact intercloud discharge
The stroke rate history for the storm. The
information in the stroke distribution graph may be
changed by choose Strokes types and colors…
from the graph’s right-click menu.
The amplitude distribution graph shows the distribution of
the amplitudes of the strokes in the storm, from lowest to
highest. More nearby storms will have more high amplitude
strokes, while distant storms will show mainly low amplitude
The wavelength distribution graph shows the distribution of
the wavelengths of the strokes in the storm, from lowest to
The stroke type distribution graph shows the relative number
of the various stroke types within the storm. More +CG
strokes (or flashes, when in flash mode, simple mode, or
advanced mode) tend to indicate a greater chance of a severe
The stroke rate history graph shows the stroke rate trend of
the storm over the last 5 minutes. The colors and fonts used
in this stroke rate history graph may be changed
independently of the colors in the Stroke Rate History
window, though it is advisable to make them the same for
purposes of clarity.