Technical data

The Bosch 32C Commercial
continuous flow water heater
Global responsibility for nature and the environment
Bosch Thermotechnology is committed to environmental
protection. Product development is being prioritised in
the interests of peoples well being, the economical use
of resources and environmental sustainability.
In just a few short years, Australia’s domestic heating
and hot water industry has changed dramatically.
Words and expressions such as “renewable energy”,
“sustainable technology” and “carbon footprint” have
become a part of everyday conversation and have been
fuelled by extreme weather and stark television images.
Bosch Thermotechnology, while not continuing to satisfy
the daily demands for heating and hot water comfort, has
taken a lead in developing solutions which reduce the
impact on the environment by reducing CO2 emissions –
not only for today but well into the future.
With this in mind Bosch is proud to offer a high
efficiency, high output gas-fired condensing continuous
flow water heater for use with renewable energy sources
or traditional fuels.
With an output of up to 57.5kW, Bosch 32 Series water
heaters are ideal for use in high end residential, and
both small and large commercial applications. It offers
high energy-efficient condensing operation and up to
6 appliances can be cascaded in parallel offering a
combined flow rate of up to 192 L/min.
Technical & Specification Information – Bosch 32 Series Water Heaters