
CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 19
PA - Plot absolute
PA [ X, Y [,...]] [;]
X ; X coordinate of the cursor movement destination
Y ; Y coordinate of the cursor movement destination
Coordinates are absolute values in user or current units.
Whether used with or without parameters the command establishes absolute plotting as the plotting mode.
The command moves the cursor to the specified coordinates, drawing straight lines, only when the pen is
In symbol mode PA draws the specified symbol at each point in the parameter list.
In polygon mode the specified coordinate pairs are placed in the polygon buffer.
If an odd number of coordinates are specified, the final (unpaired) coordinate is ignored.
10 ' -- Plot Absolute --
20 WIDTH "LPT1:",255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"E";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"%0B";
50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;";
60 LPRINT "PA2000,6000;PD0,6000,2000,7500,2000,6000;PU2500,6000;";
70 LPRINT "PAPD4500,6000,2500,7500,2500,6000;PU10365,500;";
80 LPRINT CHR$(27);"%0A";
90 LPRINT CHR$(27);"E";
100 END
<Sample 24>
PR - Relative coordinate pen move
PR [X, Y [,...]] [;]
X ; X coordinate of the cursor movement destination
Y ; Y coordinate of the cursor movement destination
Coordinates used are relative values in current units.
Whether used with or without parameters the command establishes relative plotting as the plotting mode.
The command moves the cursor to the specified coordinates, drawing straight lines, only when the pen is
You can specify any number of coordinated pairs and plotting is performed in the order the coordinates are
In symbol mode PR draws the specified symbol at each point in the parameter list.
In polygon mode the specified coordinate pairs are placed in the polygon buffer.
If an odd number of coordinates are specified, the final (unpaired) coordinate is ignored.
10 ' - Plot Relative -
20 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255
20 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
30 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0B";
50 LPRINT "PA5000,4500,;PDPR-2000,0,2000,2000,0,-2000;PU500,0;"
60 LPRINT "PD2000,0,-2000,2000,0,-2000;PU;"
70 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A";
80 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
90 END
<Sample 25>