Mass Deployment Tool User's Guide

4.2.3 Options
Options can be used together with commands to modify their operation. See each command description in section
4.2.1 Commands to learn which options you can use.
Option Description
--file filename Specify the file you want to use.
--output filename Specify the path to save the acquired settings file.
--password password Specify the administrator password for the target device.
--newpassword password Specify a new administrator password for the target device.
--schema filename Specify an external JSON schema file.
--pjltable filename Specify an external PJL conversion table.
--enumtable filename Specify an external Enum conversion table.
--forcepjl Force a PJL-based configuration.
--forcenative Force a JSON-based configuration.
--ignorepjlerror Skip PJL conversion warnings even if no conversion definition is stated in the
PJL conversion table.
--skipvalidate Skip verifying the validity for the settings using schema file before sending
setting file.
--skipverify Skip verifying if the settings are applied to printer correctly after applying
--packfiles filename filename
Specify the files you want to pack (separated with spaces or commas).
--unpackdir destination Specify the path to extract the package contents to.
--log filename Specify the path to the log output file.
--communitynameget community
Community name set in “GET” in SNMP communication.
--communitynameset community
Community name set in “SET” in SNMP communication.
--agree Specify the agreement to EULA.
Specify the reference destination to the external file that contains the
network communication settings (SNMP v3, proxy). Use the setting.INI file
as an external file after you configure the network settings by using the GUI.
--source filename Specify the file before conversion using the “convertsetting” command.
--destination filename Specify the destination for saving the file after conversion using the
“convertsetting” command.
--version Specify the version after conversion using the “convertsetting” command.
--licensecode license code Specify a 20-digit license code to activate a custom software solution.
--activateresult activate result
folder path
Specify the destination for saving the activation results of the “activate”
--forcehttps Force the https communication.
--profile Specify the deployment profile's file path.
The relative path to the settingcmd.exe is also supported.
The devices in the file are network connection only.