
Performance Mounted Ball Bearings
Performance Mounted Ball Bearings
Mtd. Ball
Air Handling
Air Handling “CXU”
Utilizes many of the same features as standard Sealmaster Gold Mounted Ball
Bearings but designed and manufactured for Air Handling equipment.
Controlled air handling housing t that allows the bearing to properly self-
align when mounted on lightweight frames
Available with the standard Sealmaster felt seal for decreased energy
Two stage noise testing verication procedure for quiet operation
High Temperature Air Handling “HTA”
Features listed on page G-24
Custom Select continued
Sufx Description Temperature Environment Speed Limits
CXU Air Handling -40°F to 200°F
Dry/Dusty pages G-235 to G-240
HTA* High Temp Air Handling 200°F to 400°F
*For expansion units add an E prex to unit assembly (example: EMP-23 HTA)