Alpine Installation, Operating, and Service Instructions

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Multiple boilers IWH Piped to Primary, Optional Domestic Hot Water Priority
Sequencer Master
(Boiler 1)
Boiler 2
Wiring locations:
Thermostat X
DHW call for heat X
System pump X
DHW pump X
Boiler Pump X X
Sequencer Master Parameter Selections:
Sequencer Master Enabled
Indirect Water
“Primary Piped”
Pump Parameter Selections:
System Pump =
Central Heat,
Optional Priority
Boiler Pump = Any demand
DHW Pump =
Primary Loop
Piped IWH
This piping arrangement permits the system pump to run or not run when there is a domestic hot water call for heat. Domestic hot water
priority is optional. It is permissible for the domestic and system pumps to run at the same time. The boiler pump must run for every call for
X. Operation G. Changing Adjustable Parameters (continued)
Example Pump Parameter selections (continued):
Multiple Boilers, IWH piped to primary, system pump required to run for any call for heat
Sequencer Master
(Boiler 1)
Boiler 2
Wiring locations:
Thermostat X
DHW call for heat X
System pump X
DHW pump X
Boiler Pump X X
Sequencer Master Parameter Selections:
Sequencer Master Enabled
Indirect Water
“Primary Piped”
Pump Parameter Selections:
System Pump = Any demand Never
Boiler Pump = Any demand Any demand
DHW Pump =
Primary Loop
Piped IWH
This piping arrangement requires the system pump to be running for any calls for heat. Also the boiler pump must run for any call for heat.