Operating instructions

Fast search
Dial office
Dial mobile
Dial home
Dial general
Dial sim
Get details
Here you can search for entries through a letter field. Read out the first
letters of the first name and surname (depending on the sort sequence)
which you want to find. The first entries with this letter will then be
Under „GET DETAILS“ you will find if necessary all telephone numbers
listed under this entry.
Depending on the settings / contacts in the mobile telephone, you will
be shown by the HFCK either the SIM card contacts or the telephone
contacts or both.
If your contacts are stored in the telephone’s memory, then depending
on the type of mobile phone, you can allocate four or more telephone
numbers to a single contact. The terms are not standard and may have
different designations depending on the manufacturer of the mobile
phone, or can be set by you yourself*:
* This function depends on your mobile phone.
If you say NUMBER“, all stored entries under this name will be read
In case you have stored more than one telephone number under a
name, you can also directly call through the category, e.g.
In addition you can allocate a phonebook entry with an own voice com-
mand (voice tag). This is recommended for names which are difficult to
Clearly speak the command into the microphone, the HFCK repeats this
and you can then make a call to the desired discussion partner from the
head menu with e.g. „CALL CUSTOMER ONE“.
In all the HFCK can store 150 voice commands. This voice command (voice
tag) is valid for all numbers which are allocated to this name. A corre-
sponding inquiry follows about which of these numbers you want to call.