Repair manual

This is a new generation of filters that permit much more
thorough filtration as they are able to holder back a greater
amount of particles of smaller dimensions than those held
back by convention al filters with a paper filtering element.
These high-filtration devices, to date used only in industrial
processes, make it possible to:
- reduce the wear of engine components over time;
- maintain the performance/specifications of the oil and
thereby lengthen the time intervals between changes.
External spiral winding
The filtering elements are closely w ound by a spiral so that
each fold is firmly anchored to the spiral with respect to the
others. This produces a uniform use of the element even in
the worst conditions such as cold starting with fluids with a
high viscosity and peaks of flow. In addition, it ensures uni-
form distribution of the flow over the entire length of the
filtering element, with consequent optimization of the loss of
load and of its working life.
Mount upstream
To optim ize flow di strib ution and the rigidity of the filtering el-
ement, this has an exclusive mount composed of a strong mesh
ma d e of nylon and an extremel y strong synthetic materi al .
Filtering element
Composed of inert inorganic fibres bound with an exclusive
resin to a structure with graded holes, the element is manu-
factured exclusively to precise procedures and strict quality
Mount downstream
A mount for the filtering element and a strong nylon mesh
make it even stron ger, which is especially h elpful during cold
starts and long periods of use. The performance of the filter
remains constant and reliable th rou ghout its working life and
from one element to another, irrespective of the changes in
working conditions.
Structural parts
The o-rings equipping the filtering element ensure a perfect
seal between it and the container, eliminating by-pass risks
and keeping filter performance constant. Strong corrosion-
proof bottoms and a sturdy internal metal core complete the
structu re of th e filtering element.
When mounting the filters, keep to the following rules:
- Oil and fit new seals.
- Screw down the filters to bring the seals into contac t
with the supporting bases.
- Tighten the filter to a torque of 35-40 Nm.
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
The valve quickly opens at a pressure of: 3 bars.
Thermostatic valve
Start of opening:
- travel 0.1 mm at a temperature of 82 ±2°C
End of opening:
- travel 8 mm at a temperature of 97°C
Engine oil filters
By-pass valve
Print P2D32C005 E Base - May 2007