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Windows Media Player for Pocket PC
Use Windows Media Player for Pocket PC to listen to digital audio files.
To switch to Windows Media Player, tap and then Windows Media Player.
Using Windows Media Manager for Pocket PC
Use Windows Media Manager for Pocket PC on the desktop computer to create digital audio files
in Windows Media format and to transfer audio content to your Pocket PC or storage card. With
Windows Media format, you can create high-quality audio for your Pocket PC without using large
amounts of Pocket PC memory.
You can transfer the following media formats to your Pocket PC for use with the Windows Media
Player: ASF (Advanced Streaming Format), WMA (Windows Media Audio), MP3 (MPEG Audio
Layer 3), and WAV (waveform).
Windows Media Manager is included in the Extras folder on the ActiveSync CD. You must install
Windows Media Manager on your desktop computer to copy and convert digital audio files.
To Install Windows Media Manager to your PC, click wmmsetup.exe file Icon in the Media holder in the
Extras holder, and then operate your PC according to messages on the screen. It is recommended to
read readme.txt file in this Media holder. Completing above installation, Windows Media Manager for
Pocket PC will be added to the start program menu of your PC.