User Manual

Graph Format Dialog Box
Use the Graph Format dialog box to configure settings for the Graph window and for drawing
Setup Menu Settings
Basic Tab
To do this: Do this:
Turn on display of function name and function
Select the [Graph Function] check
Turn off display of function name and function
Clear the [Graph Function] check
Turn on display of Graph window pointer Select the [Coordinates] check
coordinates box.*
Turn off display of Graph window pointer
Clear the [Coordinates] check box.
Turn on display of Graph window grid Select the [Grid Points] check box.
Turn off display of Graph window grid Clear the [Grid Points] check box.*
Turn on display of Graph window axes Select the [Axes] check box.*
Turn off display of Graph window axes Clear the [Axes] check box.
Turn on display of Graph window axis labels Select the [Labels] check box.
Turn off display of Graph window axis labels Clear the [Labels] check box.*
Turn on display of leading cursor during graphing
Select the [Leading Cursor] check
Turn off display of leading cursor during graphing
Clear the [Leading Cursor] check