Installation Guide

How to Install Glue-up (Lap Joint) Ceiling and Wall Tiles
Ceilume’s lap joint ceiling tiles are mounted directly to a sound installation surface using adhesive.
These tile have a unique overlapping edge that allows them to be installed without the use of
decorative or smooth strips.
Check building codes as required.
Before You Begin
Your ceiling or wall needs to provide a at and sound installation surface. Texturing like popcorn
will need to be removed, and taping and bedding, patching, or sanding may be necessary if your
surface is excessively damaged, gapped, or uneven.
Your hands, work surfaces, and installation surface must be smooth, clean, and dry. Dust, oil,
grease, and other contaminants can aect the adherence of your ceiling tiles.
Pre-test your materials before starting to ensure the best results for your specic installation.
The installation instructions below assume you are installing your new tiles to your ceiling, but
are also applicable for wall or other surface installations. Please follow the steps below either
way, adapting for your specic situation.
Measure Twice, Glue Once
Map out your ceiling. Measure and mark all of your walls, hallways, closets, and doorways. Locate
and draw any lights, heating vents, and ceiling-mount xtures. Decide and illustrate how to best
create an even border around the perimeter of your room.
Using your map and taking into account the variables above, snap two chalk lines along your ceiling’s
midpoints, forming a cross in the center of your ceiling. Keep in mind that ceilings are rarely square
and chalk lines may need to be adjusted.
Break Out the Adhesive
Apply a 1/8 in. bead of adhesive along the perimeter of the backside of your ceiling tile just outside
the dot-dash pattern. Add another bead along the dot-dash pattern at the center of the tile going in
both directions. Make sure to place this bead to the left or the right of the pattern where the tile will
Ceilume Installation Instructions | Revised May 2017

Summary of content (3 pages)