
Advanced Controls
Video Driver Controls 3 - 3
Video Driver Controls
The video interface lets you change the screen resolution and color
output to whatever is most comfortable/efficient for you. This is a
matter of hardware, video memory and the driver for your operating
system. The driver interface shows the available options.
You can switch display devices from the Display Properties control
panel in Windows as long as the video driver is installed (“What to
Install” on page 4 - 2).
Depending on the configuration purchased, the LCD is capable of
supporting the following resolutions, as long as the video driver is in-
14.1" XGA TFT LCD - resolution = 1024 * 768
15.0" XGA TFT LCD - resolution = 1024 * 768
Screen Resolution/
Area Note
You may set the reso-
lution to a higher set-
ting than the panel
supports, however this
will require you to pan
(scroll) around the
screen as the display
area will be larger than
what you can see on
the LCD.