Owner`s manual

AM/FM “Tune to AM950”, “Tune to 95.5FM (preset 5)
Satellite Band Control
“Tune to Satellite Channel 80’s on 8”, Tune to Satellite Channel 32 (preset 4)
Media Devices Control (Function-
ality is dependent on compatibility
between devises and radio)
“Browse” (show) “artist” (albums, music)
“Show paired phones” (devices)
“Play song Maple Leaf Rag” (artist - Scott Joplin, genre - rock, album -
Ragtime Favorites)
Call Initiation (Requires that
phone has been Bluetooth® paired
with radio
“Dial 123-456-7890” (phone number)
“Call John Smith mobile” (home, office, other)
“Show outgoing” (recent) “calls”
Call Management “Search for John Smith” (any contact name in address book)
“Show (display list) contacts”
30 Uconnect® VOICE COMMAND