Owner`s manual

So far, we’ve discussed what the facility owner needs to do to get the ClimbMax ready to use. This
chapter describes how to use it; what each climber can do to get the most out of his or her
ClimbMax workout.
This is how you work out on ClimbMax:
1. Get on.
2. Set how long you want to work out.
3. Set your weight.
4. Select manual mode or a program.
5. If you want, adjust the climbing speed.
6. Start climbing!
During your workout, watch your progress on the console; you can change your climbing speed at
any time. When you’re done, ClimbMax shows your total distance climbed, calories burned, and
average speed.
The rest of this chapter tells you more about your choices at each of these steps. The heart rate
control program is covered in Chapter 4.
Before You Start
To get the most out of a ClimbMax workout, be sure to follow these general exercise rules:
Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
Wear comfortable workout clothing.
Drink plenty of water or other fluids before, during, and after exercising.
Stay loose and relaxed while working out.
Maintain a balanced, upright posture while climbing.
If you start to hurt, stop climbing.