Owner`s manual

Page 16 Chapter 4 - The Heart Rate Program
While you’re climbing, the fields at the top of the console show statistics about your workout. For
details about this display, see the section “The Workout Display,” in Chapter 3. The workout
graph shows a horizontal line representing your target heart rate. Each column of lights is your
heart rate for a segment of the workout, moving from right to left. Each light represents ten beats
per minute. The blinking column is your current heart rate.
If you need to pause during a workout, the climber will remember your workout information for a
fixed amount of time. When you resume, it will gradually bring you back to your target heart rate.
If you stop for longer than this “time-out interval,” the ClimbMax resets itself, and you’ll have to
start a new workout. (See Chapter 2 for information on setting the time-out interval.)
When you finish, you see a workout summary giving the total distance you climbed, calories
burned, and more, including your heart rate as you recover. See “The Workout Display” in
Chapter 3 for a description.