User`s manual

Appendix A System Commands
busybox (V1.6.0): Linux normal command utility collection
1. hwclock query and set the hardware clock (RTC)
2. klogd Kernel Log Daemon
3. logger a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module
4. mesg control write access to your terminal
5. poweroff stop the system
6. umount unmount file systems
7. uname print system information
8. syslogd Linux system logging utilities
9. uptime tell how long the system has been running
File Manager
1. cp copy file
2. ls list file
3. ln make symbolic link file
4. mount mount and check file system
5. rm delete file
6. chmod change file owner & group & user
7. chown change file owner
8. chgrp change file group
9. sync sync file system, let system file buffer be saved to hardware
10. mv move file
11. pwd display now file directly
12. df list now file system space
13. mkdir make new directory
14. rmdir delete directory
15. swapoff stop swapping to file/device
16. swapon start swapping to file/device
17. touch change file timestamps
18. unzip list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
19. tar tar archiving utility